Frequently Asked Questions About Homestays

  • Our biggest homestay-based program is our High School Language and Culture summer program (two four-week sessions in June and July), but we also offer semester-long and academic year high school programs.

    Several of our college programs also include a homestay option and range between 6 weeks and 18 weeks in duration. For those just looking to get a taste of the homestay experience, we also offer “weekend homestays” as part of the cultural programming.

  • For the high school programs, most students are between 15 and 17 years old and come from every corner of the US. Many of the students on our summer program are also on partial or full scholarships to enable the study abroad experience. Semester-long or year-long high school students are required to have fundamental German skills.

    For our college programs, most students are in the junior year (5th or 6th semester) and study a variety of subjects. Some students are in their first semester and combine the start of their college careers with a semester abroad. Most students do not study German language or literature as our mission seeks to extend accessibility to study abroad to students who perhaps otherwise would not consider a semester abroad.

  • The summer high school program includes intensive language courses Monday through Friday from 9am to 12pm.

    For semester-long and year-long high school programs, students receive a typical course schedule like a regular Berlin high school student at a local Gymnasium.

    Most college programs are based on block seminars. Students take two six-week block seminars at a time, which can transfer back to their home universities for credit. Students can stay for one, two or three 6-week blocks.

  • The summer high school program includes mandatory cultural activities nearly every afternoon from approximately 1:30pm to 5:00pm.

    Most cultural programming for semester-long and year-long high school students runs through the club offerings of the high school (Gymnasium) or through the local community.

    College programs include weekly excursions in Berlin, local on-campus events, and one day trip or overnight trip per block. Participation in cultural programming at the college level is optional.

  • In the summer high school program, students have a full day of programming from approximately 9am-5pm Monday through Friday, plus commute time between the host family and the CIEE campus in Kreuzberg. On one Saturday, students attend a mandatory day trip in the greater Berlin area, and on another weekend, students attend a mandatory overnight excursion. One weekend is reserved for time specifically with the host family.

    In the semester-long and year-long high school programs, students are committed primarily to their course schedule at their high school (Gymnasium) and otherwise have a good amount of free time for homework, clubs and activities, and time with the host family.

    In the college programs, students typically attend their block seminars on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays with some courses also meeting on Wednesday mornings. The optional weekly cultural excursions are usually on Wednesday afternoon. College students tend to be more independent and spend free time with their peers, but they also often choose to spend it with their host families.

  • Contact our Host Family Coordinator Julia Rein directly ( or fill out the Contact Us form. We will ask potential host families to fill out a questionnaire about their household, and then we will arrange a home visit in order to get to know you better. Before hosting, all members of the household 18 years old or older must submit a police background check.

  • Above all, host families are expected to provide a warm, friendly atmosphere for students to feel part of a household, learn more about life in Berlin, and improve their German skills. Students need to have their own bedroom, access to a bathroom with shower or bathtub, and the ability to do laundry. Host families are expected to provide breakfast and dinner – either in the form of shared meals or groceries available in the house. If hosting students under 18, there must always be a member of the household over the age of 25 every night for the duration of the program.

  • We are always looking to expand our network. Do you know other families who would be interested in hosting students? Feel free to connect us with them! Also, we believe it is important for host families to know each other. To that end, we organize approximately two events per year for host families to come together, learn more about each other, and grow through shared experiences!

  • Contact our Host Family Coordinator Julia Rein directly or fill out the Contact Us form.